About IAGF

The Institute for Applied Research on Skilled Crafts and Trades (IAGF) is a think tank that enables and supports interdisciplinary research on skilled crafts and trade in Austria. It was founded 2016 and is based in the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ).

Objectives of the IAGF:

  • Platform and hub of economics (skilled crafts and trade) and science
  • Concretization of the future challenges of companies from skilled crafts and trade
  • Scientific expertise for reforms and demands of companies from skilled crafts and trade

Scientific Board

The Scientific Board represents a platform of scientists from different academic disciplines to discuss about the past, the present and the future of skilled crafts and trade, focusing on future development and challenges.

Recent Publications

Kragulj, F. (2017). Characterising Human Capital in the Craft Industry. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning (pp. 145-151) . Reading: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited.

Sandgruber, R., Bichler-Ripfel, H., & Walcher, M. (2016). Traditional Craftsmanship as Intangible Cultural Heritage and an Economic Factor in Austria (Traditionelles Handwerk als immaterielles Kulturerbe und Wirtschaftsfaktor in Österreich).Vienna: Facultas.